Taking Tougher Stand on Fires at Abandoned Properties

Two recent articles discuss new strategies pertaining to fires, and the associated costs to local government, at vacant and abandoned properties. Winnipeg (Canada) Newly proposed legislation in Winnipeg (Canada) proposes that owners of vacant propertiesREAD MORE

Bank Versus Land Bank – Surplus Tax Sale Funds

Update: April 4th “Ohio Justices Toss US Bank ‘Takings’ Claims Against Counties” In a recent report from Court News Ohio: “A national bank seeking to avoid transfers of abandoned property to county land banks shouldREAD MORE

Rental Inspections – The Successes and Challenges

A recent webinar, convened by Strategic Code Enforcement Management Academy (SCEMA) discussed how to leverage Health Impact Assessments’ program and policy recommendations with local leaders, nonprofits, and code officials. Additionally, representatives from Syracuse and RochesterREAD MORE

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