Alaska SB 77 – What is Blight?

In a recent Op-Ed for the Anchorage Daily News, Sam Spiegelman, attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation provides an update on SB 77. In the article he advocates that “the term “blight” must be precisely defined,READ MORE

So which one is it?

A recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution discusses the intent of the City to broadcast on the city’s public TV channel the board meetings where property demolitions are discussed. Though the article mentions the motivations behindREAD MORE

“Sale in Error Loophole”

Local leaders in Illinois are petitioning the Statehouse to close a loophole that allows for “Profiting off of Blight”. Recent article discusses some purchasers of tax liens, “after four years they take steps to voidREAD MORE

“Turbocharging” Code Enforcement Foreclosures

Update New article goes into more details on this issue including various approaches by several municipalities. To view the article, please click on following link: Families lose homes after Florida cities turbocharge code enforcement foreclosuresREAD MORE

HB 2083 Kansas Vacant Property Act

Kansas Senate is deliberating on HB 2083 after it passed the House. The bill seeks to create “the Kansas vacant property act to prohibit municipalities from imposing any fees or registration requirements on the basisREAD MORE

“Property Reunification” Pilot Program

Louisville KY is piloting a new program titled, “Property Reunification” at reunifying heirs with privately owned properties currently being maintained by Louisville Metro Government. “By uniting heirs with these lots, the program will encourage neighborhoodREAD MORE

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