Foreclosure Crisis Impacts on Local Voter Participation

Following is a press release from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, discussing how the most recent foreclosure crisis negatively impacted voter turnout. Foreclosure Crisis Eroded Milwaukee Voter Turnout The foreclosure crisis that accompanied the Great RecessionREAD MORE

Successful Utilization of a VPRO

A recent article in the Chicago Tribune featured the successes of Aurora’s (IL)  Vacant and Foreclosed Property License program started in August 2016. Aurora’s utilization of the data includes inter-department collaboration. There are still moreREAD MORE

Kansas City MO “Codes Advocate”

A recent article in discusses the hiring of a “codes advocate” to be the go-between between the code department and residents in Kansas City, MO. The article has an intriguing quote, “The idea is itREAD MORE

Pennsylvania Restore PA Initiative

In a recent article from WJAC, discussing the Governor’s new initiative, DCED Deputy Secretary of Community Affairs Rick Vilello has a very profound quote. “Vilello says blight often begins with small blemishes. First it startsREAD MORE

Doing the right thing…

I have been blessed many times in my life, and in many different aspects. One area I do not take for granted was the opportunity to witness first-hand how my late father-in-law, an Ernst &READ MORE

Waterford MI Neighborhood Preservation Corps

What a great way to mobilize the community! Click here for an article from the Oakland Press promoting the initiative. The best part is the clear webpage created by the Township outlining the program includingREAD MORE

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