In 2012 In order to help city leaders engage in foreclosure prevention efforts, NLC’s Center for Research and Innovation created “Managing Foreclosures and Vacant Properties, a Municipal Action Guide” that includes strategies for preventing vacancy,READ MORE
Permit Denial Ordinance
A recent article in the Morning Call, discusses a new anti-blight ordinance passed in June 2019. Alicia Miller Karner, city director of community and economic development said “the city will be modifying its permit applications,READ MORE
Kansas City, Mo Abandoned to Vibrant Project
The Abandoned to Vacant (A2V) project, a collaboration between Kansas City, MO and the University of Missouri-Kansas City, uses open data to map abandoned houses and give potential buyers a sense of the surrounding neighborhood.READ MORE
New York State Senate: Investigative Report on Code Enforcement in New York State
On August 6th, the New York State Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations issued a report titled, Investigative Report on Code Enforcement in New York State. Per the press release from Senator James Skoufis, ChairREAD MORE
Journal of Behavioral Medicine “Urban building demolitions, firearm violence and drug crime”
In February, we reported on a LSU Department of Sociology study showing a statistical connection between homicide, blighted buildings and convenience stores in Baton Rouge, LA. In a recent article, Newsweek discusses a study inREAD MORE
Missouri Senate Bill 203 Nuisance Actions in Certain Cities and Counties
Missouri Senate Bill 203 was signed on July 9th by Missouri Governor Michael Parson. In a news release from Thompson Coburn LLP the various benefits of this new legislation is discussed. Senate Bill 203 makes significant changesREAD MORE
National League of Cities Report: Homeward Bound The Road to Affordable Housing
The National League of Cities (NLC) issued an affordable housing report entitled “Homeward Bound: The Road to Affordable Housing,” The report; Offers several policy actions, Gives a comprehensive overview of the history and factors behindREAD MORE
The Franklin Regional Council of Governments (MA): Vacant and Abandoned Buildings: Toolkit for Town Officials
In May 2018 the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (MA) issued a report titled “Vacant and Abandoned Buildings: Toolkit for Town Officials” Per the report, the objective is to provide “Guidance for towns on formingREAD MORE
University of Texas School of Law: Texas Problem Properties Toolkit
In 2010, the Community Development Clinic at the University of Texas School of Law issued a study titled, “Texas Problem Properties Toolkit” The Toolkit focuses on; Community engagement Rental property registration Receivership Vacant property ordinancesREAD MORE
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) – “Vacant Property Strategies”
In December 2018 Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) issued a report titled “Vacant Property Strategies” Per the LISC website “The community development industry has long prioritized addressing “vacants” as part of neighborhood revitalization strategies. AsREAD MORE
Nuisance Property Ordinance Guides
Enterprise Community Partners 2001 Guide , “Solving Chronic Nuisance Problems: A Guide for Neighborhood Leaders”. To access, please click here Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) “Tip Sheet” for nuisance properties ordinance. To access, please clickREAD MORE
City of Bedford OH Ceases Enforcement of Nuisance Ordinance
In February we reported on the various challenges to nuisance property legislation across the country. In a recent development, the city of Bedford, OH agreed to stop enforcing their nuisance ordinance as a result ofREAD MORE