Strong Stance Against Zombie Foreclosures

In an aggressive approach  to “zombie foreclosures, at the request of Alderman James Martuscello, Amsterdam NY Common Council members unanimously voted against removing a property from the tax auction list and accepting a payoff paymentREAD MORE

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta White Paper on VPROs

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta just released a white paper on “VPROs” titled, “Foreclosure Externalities and Vacant Property Registration Ordinances” Not surprisingly the study showed positive outcomes from the implementation of a vacant propertyREAD MORE

Pennsylvania Restore PA Initiative Update

As previously reported, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf has taken an aggressive approach to the fight against blight. Additional information is now available on the Governor’s website. For an overview of the Combatting Blight component, please clickREAD MORE

Solar-powered security monitors

In the latest effort to battle blight, Schenectady NY Mayor Gary McCarthy announced the city will install solar-powered security monitors in a number of vacant city-owned properties across the city. The monitors will be installed asREAD MORE

Looking for the Loophole

A recent article in the Jackson Sun discusses what appears to be efforts by commercial property owners to circumvent a newly enacted ordinance in Jackson TN. A prime example of why strong language and replicatingREAD MORE

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