A recent article by NNY360 (Watertown Daily Times) profiles two interesting initiatives to address blight in Oswego. The Nuisance Abatement Ordinance, while appearing to be in-line with other communities regulations, does include a proposal fromREAD MORE
Flooding Risk to your Community
In an in-depth report, USA Today discusses new research that shows significant deficiencies with the Federal governments flood maps. Residents of coastal states and communities have long been wary of flooding, however the new researchREAD MORE
Blight Liens vs Bankruptcy
A federal bankruptcy judge is soon to decide on a South Windsor CT, property owner’s claim that the town is wrongfully trying to collect more than $26,000 from her. The town filed a $26,556 lienREAD MORE
CCP Filling the Gaps: Helping Struggling Property Owners Connect to Rehab and Repair Resources
“Code enforcement will never be successful if communities ignore the realities of their local real estate markets and the circumstances facing residents and business owners. Addressing these realties requires substantial investment of resources to supportREAD MORE
L.A. City Council Votes to Put Vacancy Tax on Ballot
The Los Angeles City Council recently adopted a vacancy tax measure for consideration on the November 2020 ballot, potentially creating an additional tax on unoccupied residential units For additional information, please click on the followingREAD MORE
H.R. 7103 Proposed National Land Bank Network
On June 4, Michigan Representative Dan Kildee introduced the National Land Bank Network Act. Kildee, a Democrat, partnered on the new bill with Georgia Representative Drew Ferguson, a Republican/ “Land banks are quasi-public agencies thatREAD MORE
Strategic Code Enforcement: A Critical Tool for Supporting COVID-19 Neighborhood Response
On May 21st the Center for Community Progress convened a webinar titled “Strategic Code Enforcement: A Critical Tool for Supporting COVID-19 Neighborhood Response” “Despite the devastating impacts of COVID-19 on local government budgets across theREAD MORE
Ocean Township Placing Liens on Unpaid Vacant Property Fees
A recent article from Tapinto.net discusses one New Jersey municipality’s new efforts to ensure compliance with their vacant property registry. For more information, please click here.
“Code Enforcement Through Volunteers”
A recent article in the Dothan Eagle, discusses a new and innovative program in Jackson County FL, to help homeowners who are in violation of the county’s solid waste and nuisance policies but are notREAD MORE
We Will Need Code Enforcement Now More Than Ever: Three COVID-19 Responses to Protect Neighborhoods
In a recent blog posting, the Center for Community Progress discusses the various impacts on people and property as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the critical functions code enforcement personnel perform to mitigateREAD MORE
“I think, absolutely!”
Following is a transcript of the last question posed during the Q&A segment (emphasis added) of a recent webinar presented by the Center for Community Progress and Senior Fellow (also , formerly nonresident Senior FellowREAD MORE
American City & County “Post-COVID-19 property maintenance responsibility”
MuniReg President Michael Halpern contributed an article to American City and County pertaining to property maintenance during the COVID-19 recovery period. Post-COVID-19 property maintenance responsibility Who is your neighbor? This is a very important question for thoseREAD MORE