Oswego NY Anti-Blight Initiatives

A recent article by NNY360 (Watertown Daily Times) profiles two interesting initiatives to address blight in Oswego. The Nuisance Abatement Ordinance, while appearing to be in-line with other communities regulations, does include a proposal fromREAD MORE

Flooding Risk to your Community

In an in-depth report, USA Today discusses new research that shows significant deficiencies with the Federal governments flood maps. Residents of coastal states and communities have long been wary of flooding, however the new researchREAD MORE

Blight Liens vs Bankruptcy

A federal bankruptcy judge is soon to decide on a South Windsor CT, property owner’s claim that the town is wrongfully trying to collect more than $26,000 from her. The town filed a $26,556 lienREAD MORE

L.A. City Council Votes to Put Vacancy Tax on Ballot

The Los Angeles City Council recently adopted a vacancy tax measure for consideration on the November 2020 ballot, potentially creating an additional tax on unoccupied residential units For additional information, please click on the followingREAD MORE

H.R. 7103 Proposed National Land Bank Network

On June 4, Michigan Representative Dan Kildee introduced the National Land Bank Network Act. Kildee, a Democrat, partnered on the new bill with Georgia Representative Drew Ferguson, a Republican/ “Land banks are quasi-public agencies thatREAD MORE

“Code Enforcement Through Volunteers”

A recent article in the Dothan Eagle, discusses a new and innovative program in Jackson County FL, to help homeowners who are in violation of the county’s solid waste and nuisance policies but are notREAD MORE

“I think, absolutely!”

Following is a transcript of the last question posed during the Q&A segment (emphasis added) of a recent webinar presented by the Center for Community Progress and Senior Fellow (also , formerly nonresident Senior FellowREAD MORE

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