Curb Appeal Program

Typically utilized for commercial properties, Seymour IN has implemented a new Curb Appeal Program, elsewhere often referred to as façade improvement. The program provides matching funds up to $500 for eligible improvement projects for anREAD MORE

Vermont Statewide Short-Term Rental Registry

S.79 has passed the Vermont Senate and is now under consideration in the House. The bill would require both long-term and short-term rentals to register with the Department of Housing and Community Development. Inspections wouldREAD MORE

“Historic” legislation in Albany NY

Introduced by Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan and already supported by four members of Albany Common Council this legislation is designed to create the first “Good Cause” eviction law in New York State. Enforcement will beREAD MORE

Toledo Ohio and the Center For Community Progress

Representatives of the Center for Community Progress provided to City Council and Assessment and Report titled, A More Strategic, Equitable Approach to Housing and Building Code Enforcement in Ohio. The presentation was followed by a responseREAD MORE

GAO Reviews Covid-19 Housing Protections

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has provided an analysis of the benefits of Covid-19 moratoriums, showing how they have helped limit evictions; however, they recommend the implementation of a communication and outreach plan to makeREAD MORE

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