HOA with more than $1 million dollars on hand in checking accounts, CDs, saving accounts and cash, and total assets at more than $2.2 million dollars! That is what one media outlet reported on recently.READ MORE
White House “Housing Supply Action Plan”
Today, the White House issued a press release announcing Housing Supply Action Plan designed to ease the burden of housing costs over time, by boosting the supply of quality housing in every community. The planREAD MORE
Zombie Foreclosure “Shamer” has New Target …..With a Caveat
Erie County (NY) Clerk Mickey Kearns has been taking on so-called “zombie” properties for years, but now he’s got a new target to shame besides lenders: Erie County itself. Kearns states, many municipalities in theREAD MORE
Code Enforcement Educators Interview
MuniReg President Michael Halpern was recently interviewed by Pete Roque and Rachel Patterson at https://codeenforcementeducators.com/ where Halpern discussed the creation and evolution of MuniReg, beginning with his extensive work with code enforcement and local governmentsREAD MORE
One size fits all!
One comment we at MuniReg frequently receive is “our community is too small for a VPRO”. Well one community in Nebraska (Population in 2019: 445) disagrees. For more information, please click here.
CCP Webinar Strengthening Community Relationships to Achieve Equitable Code Enforcement
Once again, the Center for Community Progress has provided an informative resource on building a strong code enforcement program and partnering it with strong community engagement. Featured was the City of Peoria several of itsREAD MORE
First Time Homebuyers, Local Investors or Hedge Funds
Affordable housing continues to be a focal point of local governments. Now this issue is being taken up in two state legislatures in new and unique approaches. In Rhode Island, local tax-sale investors have askedREAD MORE
“It’s a nightmare”
Nelson added. “… It’s a nightmare getting to who actually owns the home and who actually needs to be talked to.” This quote was taken from a recent article in Magnolia, Arkansas. This demonstrates, theREAD MORE
Municipalities and HOA’s vs Rental Property Investment Funds
“But no one has tried to buy and sell homes at the scale of Cincinnati, which is “a game-changer for the housing market,” reporter Konrad Putzier said on a recent Wall Street Journal podcast about the acquisition.READ MORE
“Heritage Value” Legislation in Missouri
Heritage value is additional worth added to the market price of a property when it’s been in the same family for more 50 years. It could add 50 percent of the market value to theREAD MORE
The Vacant Property Resource Hub
Monroe County (NY) has developed a comprehensive web resource titled “The Vacant Property Resource Hub” Following are the list of resources and information available. Help for Homeowners Homeownership Counseling Foreclosure Prevention Wills Estate Planning ForeclosureREAD MORE
CCP and Lincoln Institute Report “State Policy and Problem Property Regulation”
February 2022 report titled “State Policy and Problem Property Regulation” is derived is derived from a working paper prepared by Alan Mallach pursuant to a joint program agreement between the Center for Community Progress and the Lincoln Institute of LandREAD MORE