Recent ordinance introduced to New Orleans (LA) City Council, would require the creation of an annual public list of all blighted or vacant city-owned properties, their current conditions and the estimated cost to bring dilapidatedREAD MORE
Baltimore In-rem Foreclosure Program
In March, we provided an Op-Ed from the Baltimore Sun with concerns over Baltimore’s planned initiatives to address vacant homes. Now movement has occurred on one of the initiatives – the in-rem tax foreclosure. For moreREAD MORE
The State of Land Banking 2022
The Center for Community Progress created the National Land Bank Network (NLBN). At the 2022 Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference, they provided an overview of what NLBN is, the state of land banks in the UnitedREAD MORE
Abandoned Cars Cause Crime, Not Just Blight
“Abandoned vehicles have long been a problem in Oakland. The city has increased resources and manpower to address not just cars but the illegal activity they encourage.” A recent article in Governing discusses the consequencesREAD MORE
“If it works, it would be a first” – Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) program
Update January 4, 2023 North Country Now provides an update on this new initiative. Push underway for state PILOT payments on abandoned properties in Ogdensburg Ogdensburg city councilors want New York state to makeREAD MORE
Conditional Veto of NJ A793 “Community Wealth Preservation Program”
Gov. Phil Murphy has conditionally vetoed a foreclosure bill that would have made it easier for families and nonprofits to buy homes at sheriff’s sales. Dubbed the “Community Wealth Preservation Program,” the bill would have allowed:READ MORE
When Landlords Hide Behind LLCs
A new Shelterforce article discusses the difficulties communities face in to knowing who owns a property due to the increasing numbers of “LLCs”. “This type of hidden ownership is linked to deteriorating housing and a lackREAD MORE
Virginia Commonwealth University Study: Negligent landlords predictor of neighborhood violence
A study by Virginia Commonwealth University researchers found that the tax delinquency of company-owned properties was the only variable that predicted violence in all but four of the city’s 148 neighborhoods. According to lead authorREAD MORE
Moving from “Shaming” to Partnering
Erie County (NY) Clerk Michael P. Kearns, while in all likelihood not abandoning his “Bank Shame Campaign” announced a new program called the “Good Neighbor Project”. This new project is “designed to hold servicers ofREAD MORE
Eminent Domain for Vacant and Abandoned Properties
A recent article, discusses DE HB 458 that would have given Wilmington “extra powers to acquire vacant and abandoned properties through eminent domain” Debate among Wilmington City Council members did not result in a conclusiveREAD MORE
“Getting ahead of (and avoiding ) bad press” VLOG Series Volume 1: Episode 4
In our next installment of our Vlog series, Michael Halpern, president and founder of MuniReg LLC discusses an article in Municipal World on a recent public relations crisis in Los Angeles County LA. Though notREAD MORE
“CRA and Vacant Properties” VLOG Series Volume 1: Episode 3
In our next installment of our Vlog series, Michael Halpern, president and founder of MuniReg LLC elaborates on a recent article he authored for American City & County advocating for additional flexibility in the CRAREAD MORE