Abandoned Cars Cause Crime, Not Just Blight

“Abandoned vehicles have long been a problem in Oakland. The city has increased resources and manpower to address not just cars but the illegal activity they encourage.” A recent article in Governing discusses the consequencesREAD MORE

When Landlords Hide Behind LLCs

A new Shelterforce article discusses the difficulties communities face in to knowing who owns a property due to the increasing numbers of “LLCs”. “This type of hidden ownership is linked to deteriorating housing and a lackREAD MORE

Moving from “Shaming” to Partnering

Erie County (NY) Clerk Michael P. Kearns, while in all likelihood not abandoning his “Bank Shame Campaign” announced a new program called the “Good Neighbor Project”. This new project is “designed to hold servicers ofREAD MORE

Changing the Built Environment to Combat Violent Crime

A recent “Message From (HUD) PD&R Senior Leadership” discusses the relationship between remediating vacant lots and crime. Specifically, “a growing body of research on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design focuses on cleaning and greening vacant lotsREAD MORE

Closing the Loop – Rental Registries

Proposed legislation in New York State awaiting the Governor’s signature is designed to close an important loop. Albany is showing “that less than half of the properties involved in eviction proceedings have that permit onREAD MORE

Measuring Urban Blight

The newest edition of HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research Journal discusses methodologies for measuring urban blight. “Across the United States, communities struggle with blighted urban environments and associated negative outcomes, including reduced propertyREAD MORE

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