Local Housing Solutions Rental Registries Brief

Earlier this year, Local Housing Solutions released a brief reviewing “empirical evidence about rental registries’ efficacy in promoting housing quality and affordability. This brief is designed to be a resource for local governments considering establishingREAD MORE

Challenges with “Heir Property”

Please see for resources from Fannie Mae and the Center of Community Progress. Fannie Mae In a recent post on their “Perspectives Blog” Tim Carpenter Senior Director – Community Impact discusses the challenges they initially encounteredREAD MORE

Volunteer Code Enforcement Officer

A recent article details one man’s offer to fill a municipal code enforcement position “free of charge in the absence of a full-time officer”. MuniReg provides free resources and valuable time saving information to localREAD MORE

Solar arrays as a blight solution

Detroit MI Mayor Mike Duggan announced a new initiative to address blight by installing solar arrays in 3 residential neighborhoods. Mayor’s Press Release includes an overview, the land acquisition process and home improvement community benefitsREAD MORE

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