Illinois Blight Mitigation Act

The proposed “Blight Mitigation Act (HB0006) was most recently referred to the House Rules Committee (January 9th). The synopsis of the bill states: Creates the Blight Mitigation Act. Provides that a property owner that livesREAD MORE

Rental Registry – One Step Back Two Steps Forward

Two recent developments in Syracuse NY center around its rental registration program. First, on January 23rd reported that per the City’s Auditor, its “rental registry’s weak compliance is worse than believed”. Per City Auditor 25% ofREAD MORE

Civil Nuisance Law – Private Nuisance Lawsuits

One Georgia municipality is working to develop “a civil nuisance law that would allow private citizens to file nuisance complaints in Municipal Court.” The stated intent is to assist in scenarios where a violation exists thatREAD MORE

When Systems Fail: Another Troubling Example

In the last post, we delved into an instance of “When Systems Fail.” Unfortunately, another case has surfaced, bringing with it numerous red flags and critical questions to consider. Where to even begin? This time,READ MORE

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