It Started Out So Well……….

An interesting article that discusses a logical and positive approach to addressing the universal concern of squatters, ends by discussing troubling legislation being proposed in the Hawaii Legislature. From the preamble in the legislation oneREAD MORE

Don’t Take on Unnecessary Risks

Perhaps I’m missing something but the recent enactment in Windber, PA of a rental registry struck me as odd. Rental registration ordinances are commonplace throughout the country. For the most part the programs and requiredREAD MORE

Getting off the Hamster Wheel

True story. Several years ago, I was invited to present to the City Council and heads of the fire, police and building departments for a larger (200,000+) city on “zombie foreclosures” etc. First to arriveREAD MORE

Oswego NY Blight Reduction Loan Program

In a positive step another local government is utilizing the tax rolls to address blight in their community. After years of hearing the frustration over “clean and lien” programs (both having to “clean” and thenREAD MORE

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