In one of the original reports on this topic, The National Vacant Properties Campaign (now the Center for Community Progress) discuss the true cost to communities as a result of vacant properties. Executive Summary ByREAD MORE
Albany Law School Research Paper “Regulating Vacant Property”
In 2011 a research paper was issued by the Albany Law School, authored by Keith H. Hirokawa and Ira Gonzalez. Local governments have recently noted a correlation between the characteristics of neglected properties (e.g., unkemptREAD MORE
Center for Problem-Oriented Policing Guide “The Problem of Abandoned Buildings and Lots”
The Center for Problem-Oriented Policing was founded as a private non-profit organization in 2002. In 2015 it became a center at Arizona State University’s Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions, with affiliations withREAD MORE
State Blight Toolkits and Responses “Vacant Property Registration” and Others
Illinois In 2016 Business and Professional People for the Public Interest (BPI -a public interest law and policy center in the Chicago region) and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus (representing the local elected officials of theREAD MORE
Center for Community Progress The Building American Cities Toolkit
The Center for Community Progress (formerly the National Vacant Properties Campaign) developed The Building American Cities Toolkit™. In the tool kit, in the section titled “Dealing with vacant property owners” you will find their overviewREAD MORE
Mortgage Servicing Collaborative – Mortgage Servicing Overview
The topic of (overview of) the mortgage servicing industry is a popular theme at code enforcement and other municipal conferences. To understand how to prevent and address abandoned properties as a result of a mortgageREAD MORE