A recent article in the Dayton Daily News discusses the successes of their rental registry/inspection program. Some of the results include; Rental property violations dropped by more than half, in the past two years. FinesREAD MORE
New York State Cities for Responsible Investment and Strategic Enforcement (Cities RISE) Program
As previously reported, in July 2019 New York State Attorney General Letitia James announced $9 million in grants to address the growing statewide issue of “zombie homes” – vacant or abandoned homes that are notREAD MORE
Dallas Task Force on Safe Communities Report
During the Summer of 2019, following increased gun violence and tragedies that took the lives of children, Mayor Eric Johnson announced the creation of the Mayor’s Task Force on Safe Communities. The Task Force receivedREAD MORE
A4403/S1864 “Relates to the redemption of real property subject to a delinquent tax lien”
On December 20th 2019, A4403/S1864 was signed by the Governor. From a recent report in the Times Union, “The new law allows for tax foreclosing entities to foreclose on residential properties that are determined toREAD MORE
USA Today Report on “Reverse Mortgages”
“Most issues can be traced back to faulty loan servicing with an often-revolving cast of loan companies” Similar quotes were frequent during the last foreclosure crisis. However this quote comes from a USA Today report onREAD MORE
Enactment of NYS S.5079-A/A.1859-A “Zombie Property Remediation Act of 2019”
On December 18th issued the following press release regarding his signing of the “Zombie Property Remediation Act of 2019” To view the final language, please click here. To view local reporting, please click here. NewREAD MORE
New Path to the American Dream
Property conditions are generally contingent on several factors. Of course occupancy status is the primary factor but there are several others including usage and who resides in the property (i.e. owner occupant vs. rental/tenant). However,READ MORE
Strong Stance Against Zombie Foreclosures
In an aggressive approach to “zombie foreclosures, at the request of Alderman James Martuscello, Amsterdam NY Common Council members unanimously voted against removing a property from the tax auction list and accepting a payoff paymentREAD MORE
Pennsylvania Restore PA Initiative Update
As previously reported, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf has taken an aggressive approach to the fight against blight. Additional information is now available on the Governor’s website. For an overview of the Combatting Blight component, please clickREAD MORE
Flint MI Recipient of a Cities of Service 2019 Engaged Cities Award
Flint MI was one of three recipients of the Cities of Service 2019 Engaged Cities Award. Underwritten by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the award recognizes cutting-edge techniques to engage residents to solve problems.Each winning city receives aREAD MORE
MA H 177 An Act relative to neighborhood stabilization and economic development
Massachusetts H 177 (and accompanying bill S 1627) originally introduced in January had hearings in October. The bill “would form a commission to study strategies for improving the quality of housing stock in weak markets,READ MORE
Urban Institute “Housing Codes Should Protect Public Health, Not Penalize Low-Income Homeowners”
Following a recent report of a resident of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, 57 and uses a wheelchair who is facing jail time because of housing code violations, Christina Plerhoples Stacy and Joseph Schilling with the Urban InstituteREAD MORE