A collaboration between National League of Cities and the Stanford Legal Design Lab has created an updated Landlord Engagement Lab Toolkit.
“This toolkit includes a series of resources developed for city leaders interested in building or refining their strategies for engaging landlords. These resources offer important insight into key elements of a successful landlord engagement strategy.”
“Engaging mom-and-pop landlords is key to longer-term eviction prevention efforts, housing stability, and supporting both vulnerable renters and landlords.”
Toolkit discusses;
- Developing a Mom-and-Pop Landlord Engagement Strategy to Prevent Evictions
- Identifying mom-and-pop landlords to build relationship and support eviction prevention
- Incentivizing landlords to advance eviction prevention
- Designing and implementing local eviction prevention policies and programs
- Evaluating eviction prevention policies and programs
- Communicating with mom-and-pop landlords
To access the Toolkit, please click here.