Please see for resources from Fannie Mae and the Center of Community Progress.

Fannie Mae
In a recent post on their “Perspectives Blog” Tim Carpenter Senior Director – Community Impact discusses the challenges they initially encountered in assisting homeowners following Hurricane Maria in 2018.

In December 2023 they issued a research paper titled, A Methodological Approach to Estimate Residential Heirs’ Property in the United States.

This new blog post analyzes this research focusing on the scope of the problem, but also identifies initial steps taken to to assist local stakeholders.

To view the post, please click on the following link.
Fannie Mae Research Highlights the Impact of Tangled Titles

Center for Community Progress
The Center for Community Progress recently conducted its July webinar titled, “Heirs’ Property as a Vacancy Issue: How Local Governments Can Address Tangled Title to Address or Prevent Property Abandonment and Deterioration”.

Please click on the following links for more information:

Additional Resources
In March 2024 HAC (Housing Assistance Council), LISC Jacksonville, LISC Virginia, and Community Legal Services conducted an educational webinar providing valuable insight into groundbreaking research findings and effective community-based programs focused on tackling tangled titles for families that own family/heirs’ property.

To access the recording, please click here.

Federal Housing Finance Agency
April 2024 policy review summarizing research on heirs’ property issues and details efforts being made by Fannie Mae and the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks).
To view the post, please click on the following link.
Sustaining Family Wealth through Heirs’ Property Resolutions

Asset Funders Network
AFN convened a webinar titled, “HEIRS’ PROPERTY: Acting to Preserve Wealth”
To access the website, please click here.
To access their brief, please click here.
To view a recording of the webinar, please click here.