Daniel Kuhlmann, assistant professor of community and regional planning at Iowa State University recently authored a paper, suggesting that demolishing abandoned houses may lead nearby property owners to better maintain their homes. From the Abstract:READ MORE
CCP Filling the Gaps: Helping Struggling Property Owners Connect to Rehab and Repair Resources
“Code enforcement will never be successful if communities ignore the realities of their local real estate markets and the circumstances facing residents and business owners. Addressing these realties requires substantial investment of resources to supportREAD MORE
Strategic Code Enforcement: A Critical Tool for Supporting COVID-19 Neighborhood Response
On May 21st the Center for Community Progress convened a webinar titled “Strategic Code Enforcement: A Critical Tool for Supporting COVID-19 Neighborhood Response” “Despite the devastating impacts of COVID-19 on local government budgets across theREAD MORE
We Will Need Code Enforcement Now More Than Ever: Three COVID-19 Responses to Protect Neighborhoods
In a recent blog posting, the Center for Community Progress discusses the various impacts on people and property as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the critical functions code enforcement personnel perform to mitigateREAD MORE
American City & County “Post-COVID-19 property maintenance responsibility”
MuniReg President Michael Halpern contributed an article to American City and County pertaining to property maintenance during the COVID-19 recovery period. Post-COVID-19 property maintenance responsibility Who is your neighbor? This is a very important question for thoseREAD MORE
Covid – 19 National & State Resource Reference Page
Update April 30th Center for Community Progress Recent article explores ways to prevent or mitigate the destabilizing community impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic through six initial interventions local governments to minimize commercial and residential propertyREAD MORE
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Foreclosure Prevention Resources
Updated October 6, 2021 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) New and Extended COVID-19 Relief options for Borrowers On September 27, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) announced new and extended COVID-19 relief options for borrowers recently orREAD MORE
Dallas Task Force on Safe Communities Report
During the Summer of 2019, following increased gun violence and tragedies that took the lives of children, Mayor Eric Johnson announced the creation of the Mayor’s Task Force on Safe Communities. The Task Force receivedREAD MORE
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta White Paper on VPROs
The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta just released a white paper on “VPROs” titled, “Foreclosure Externalities and Vacant Property Registration Ordinances” Not surprisingly the study showed positive outcomes from the implementation of a vacant propertyREAD MORE
Meaningful Code Enforcement Communication and Engagement
One of the sessions at the recent Center for Community Properties Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference highlighted New York’s Cities for Responsible Investment and Strategic Enforcement Cities RISE project. At the session, staff from Hester StreetREAD MORE
National League of Cities “Housing Market Conditions Across America’s Cities”
On September 10th, the National League of Cities issued a report titled “Housing Market Conditions Across America’s Cities” In this report, every medium and large city in America was analyzed, and includes tailored recommendations for strengtheningREAD MORE
NLC Municipal Action Guide Managing Foreclosures and Vacant Properties
In 2012 In order to help city leaders engage in foreclosure prevention efforts, NLC’s Center for Research and Innovation created “Managing Foreclosures and Vacant Properties, a Municipal Action Guide” that includes strategies for preventing vacancy,READ MORE