The Power to Stabilize Neighborhoods

In a new study, Karen Black with May 8 Consulting Research “summarizes the existing research about the effectiveness of certain policy interventions to help stabilize low- and moderate-income neighborhoods after a macroeconomic shock. This documentREAD MORE

Federal Reserve, REO and Vacant Properties

The Federal Reserve published an article on REO and Vacant Properties, specifically strategies for neighborhood stabilization. Research and commentary were received by nonprofit and municipal practitioners, the Federal Reserve, academic and policy researchers as wellREAD MORE

Charting the Multiple Meanings of Blight

The Vacant Properties Research Network, A project of the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech in collaboration with Econsult Solutions, Inc. produced a national literature review addressing the community impacts of blighted properties. In the hopesREAD MORE

GAO Report on “Zombie Foreclosures”

On March 5th, 2021 the US Government Accountability Office released a report titled, “Home Foreclosures Sales: FHA, Rural Housing Service, and VA Could Better Align Program Metrics with Their Missions” Why GAO Did This StudyREAD MORE

Where Transparency is Prudent

Open data and transparency regarding vacant and abandoned properties can result in unintended circumstances. However when discussing rental properties the benefits far outweigh the risks. As discussed in a recent Washington Post article, often rentersREAD MORE

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