“Class of 1964 Policy Research Shop” (PRS) students produce non-partisan policy analyses and present their findings in a non-advocacy manner. PRS is fully endowed by the Dartmouth Class of 1964. This endowment ensures that theREAD MORE
Study Determines Blight Remediation Impacts Firearm Violence in Urban Neighborhoods
A study published in The American Journal of Public Health illustrates an impact of blight that most would not consider. The study published in December of 2016 shows the direct correlation between blight and gun violenceREAD MORE
Federal Reserve, REO and Vacant Properties
The Federal Reserve published an article on REO and Vacant Properties, specifically strategies for neighborhood stabilization. Research and commentary were received by nonprofit and municipal practitioners, the Federal Reserve, academic and policy researchers as wellREAD MORE
Charting the Multiple Meanings of Blight
The Vacant Properties Research Network, A project of the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech in collaboration with Econsult Solutions, Inc. produced a national literature review addressing the community impacts of blighted properties. In the hopesREAD MORE
LSU Study Blight Increases Public Health Risk from Mosquito-borne Diseases
In February 2019, a LSU’s Department of Sociology study showed a statistical connection between homicide, blighted buildings and convenience stores in Baton Rouge. Now in February 2021, LSU’s College of the Coast & Environment releasedREAD MORE
GAO Report on “Zombie Foreclosures”
On March 5th, 2021 the US Government Accountability Office released a report titled, “Home Foreclosures Sales: FHA, Rural Housing Service, and VA Could Better Align Program Metrics with Their Missions” Why GAO Did This StudyREAD MORE
Where Transparency is Prudent
Open data and transparency regarding vacant and abandoned properties can result in unintended circumstances. However when discussing rental properties the benefits far outweigh the risks. As discussed in a recent Washington Post article, often rentersREAD MORE
Written in 1939? Time for an update! Illinois Scavenger Sale
Update August 15th, 2023 This Bill has now been signed into law. For more information, please click on following link: Pritzker Signs Bill Designed to Revamp Property Tax Sale System That Fueled ‘Urban Decay’ UpdateREAD MORE
University of Kansas Study on Demolitions and its Affect on Crime Reduction
A recent University of Kansas study found a program demolishing more than 500 abandoned residential properties in Kansas City, Missouri, did not significantly reduce nearby violent or property crime. Hye-Sung Han, assistant professor of publicREAD MORE
Center for Community Progress’ 2020 VAD Academy Resource Page
Vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties plague communities of all sizes across the United States. Whether spurred by natural disasters or industry loss, these properties create compound challenges for residents and local governments. When working toREAD MORE
Revitalization in Michigan – A Guide to Transforming Vacant, Abandoned, and Deteriorated Properties through Code Enforcement
Authored by Payton A. Heins, Associate Director of Michigan Initiatives and Matt Kreis, General Counsel, this new resource “breaks down nine leading code enforcement tools that help fight vacancy through traditional enforcement, proactive regulation, andREAD MORE
Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies HUD Regulations and Procedures Concerning Mortgages Near Foreclosure/End-stage Default
Rachel Bratt, a Senior Research Fellow at the Joint Center for Housing Studies and former visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, authored several Issue Briefs, offering insights about HUD’s regulations and proceduresREAD MORE