The Center for Community Progress has released its “Resident’s Workbook for Dealing with Vacant Buildings and Lots”. The workbook offers tools and worksheets including; Ideas for how to get involved in community revitalization whether you’reREAD MORE
“Mule Addresses” – Criminologists explain how vacant properties serve as depots for illegal online purchases
Once again, another reason not to publicize vacant property lists. Though the criminal element may just use properties listed for sale (which need to be publicized), these properties have better solutions to avoid the (newlyREAD MORE
CDBG Coalition Report “Improving Lives and Strengthening Communities”
In April 2022, the CDBG Coalition released a report titled, “Improving Lives and Strengthening Communities” “This report serves to inform stakeholders on the importance of CDBG to community advancement and success.” The CDBG Coalition consistsREAD MORE
Citizens Research Council of Michigan Blight Resources
In February we posted on a Citizens Research Council of Michigan (not-for-profit public affairs research organization, founded in 1916) report titled, “Coordinating the Authority and Resources to Remediate Blight”. This organization has several additional blightREAD MORE
Local Housing Solutions “Creating and Managing Vacant Property Inventories”
Local Housing Solutions issued a brief providing “information on common approaches to creating and managing vacant properties inventories, including how to fund these activities and identify sources of vacancy data.” Included in the brief “AREAD MORE
Center for Community Progress – New Land Bank Resource
In a recent blog post, the Center for Community Progress in addition to its fully updated version of their National Land Bank Map, provides a thorough overview of “land banks” covering the topics of; WhatREAD MORE
NLC Local Eviction Prevention Policy and Program Tool
The National League of Cities has developed the Local Eviction Prevention Policy and Program Tool. This tool is an “interactive resource that aims to help elected officials, city staff, non-profits, service providers, researchers and others,READ MORE
Coordinating the Authority and Resources to Remediate Blight
The Citizens Research Council of Michigan (not-for-profit public affairs research organization, founded in 1916) recently released a report titled, “Coordinating the Authority and Resources to Remediate Blight”. From the summary; In a nutshell The termREAD MORE
Public CEO Op-Ed “How to prevent dangerous properties and increase revenue” – Value of a VPRO
Following up on a January Op-Ed (by Ryan Griffith Bay Area Receivership Group) discussing the benefits of receiverships, MuniReg’s President Michael Halpern discusses the value of a “VPRO”. To view the Op-Ed, please click here.
National League of Cities Resources “Housing Supply Accelerator” & “Landlord Engagement Lab Toolkit”
Two recent initiatives have been introduced by the National League of Cities (NLC). Landlord Engagement Lab Toolkit Per NLC “Engaging mom-and-pop landlords is key to longer-term eviction prevention efforts, housing stability, and supporting both vulnerableREAD MORE
The Price Effects of Greening Vacant Lots: How Neighborhood Attributes Matter
Recent article discusses a University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School June 2022 study on the “economic effects of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Philadelphia LandCare program on thousands of homes in the city” that resulted inREAD MORE
JAMA Study abandoned house repairs reduced nearby gun violence
Installing new doors and windows, trash cleanup, and weeding at abandoned houses in Philadelphia led to substantial drops in nearby gun violence, according to a new study from the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia UniversityREAD MORE