Civil Nuisance Law – Private Nuisance Lawsuits

One Georgia municipality is working to develop “a civil nuisance law that would allow private citizens to file nuisance complaints in Municipal Court.” The stated intent is to assist in scenarios where a violation exists thatREAD MORE

Local Housing Solutions Rental Registries Brief

Earlier this year, Local Housing Solutions released a brief reviewing “empirical evidence about rental registries’ efficacy in promoting housing quality and affordability. This brief is designed to be a resource for local governments considering establishingREAD MORE

Challenges with “Heir Property”

Please see for resources from Fannie Mae and the Center of Community Progress. Fannie Mae In a recent post on their “Perspectives Blog” Tim Carpenter Senior Director – Community Impact discusses the challenges they initially encounteredREAD MORE

Illegal Dumping Creating Mental Health Challenges

Bernadette Hohl, a senior research investigator with the Penn Injury Science Center and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Injury Prevention Program partnered with the University of Michigan Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center to analyzeREAD MORE

Landlord Engagement Lab Toolkit

A collaboration between National League of Cities and the Stanford Legal Design Lab has created an updated Landlord Engagement Lab Toolkit. “This toolkit includes a series of resources developed for city leaders interested in buildingREAD MORE

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