Proposed legislation in New York State awaiting the Governor’s signature is designed to close an important loop. Albany is showing “that less than half of the properties involved in eviction proceedings have that permit onREAD MORE
“Bad Actors Registry”
The City of San Antonio TX is considering a new, proactive apartment inspection policy in an attempt to hold accountable negligent landlords who allow tenants to live in unsanitary, dangerous and otherwise illegal conditions. WhileREAD MORE
Proactive Messaging and Collaboration
One City Manager has proactively utilized local media to both educate his citizens on the issue of blight and how the city addresses it, but also issues a strong call for collaboration. For more information,READ MORE
No more warnings!
One Ohio community is now ceasing to send warnings or letters etc. “for anyone that has trash laying around their house or high grass”. Per the City Solicitor those warnings are not required. “There’s noREAD MORE
“Stop Catering to the Deadbeats”
In a recent “Revitalize or Die” blog posting, Jeff Siegler encourages local governments to implement the proper blight fighting tools and take the necessary actions to protect their respective communities. Siegler seeks to change theREAD MORE
The End of Tax Sale Preference?
A federal appeals court struck down a 2017 Maryland statute that “allowed for certain groups, including Prince George’s County residents, county or public school employees, federal employees and veterans, to bid on tax-delinquent properties atREAD MORE
‘Vacant properties are a curse’
Following a request from Roanoke Rapids (NC) councilman Carl Ferebee to survey properties, Planning and Development Director David Wise provided a comprehensive rundown of the consequences of vacant properties, including Crime Arson and “accidental fire”READ MORE
Baltimore’s New “Clean Corps Initiative”
The “Clean Corps Initiative” has been announced by Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott. “Under this initiative, Mayor Scott is investing $14.7 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to partner with community and citywide organizationsREAD MORE
Normalizing Forbearance
Foreclosure often results in abandonment of the property, which often leads to blight. Foreclosure avoidance therefore mitigates the potential for blight! Could forbearance avoid foreclosure? A new report from the Urban Institute advocates for makingREAD MORE
AC&C “Proposed update to Community Reinvestment Act could support neighborhood recovery”
During the height of the foreclosure crisis a proposal was drafted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, MuniReg president Michael Halpern was a proponent of this concept even prior to the release of the proposal. In his unique positionREAD MORE
Ohio Versus “Wall Street Landlords”
State Sen. Louis Blessing (R-Colerain Township) has introduced two pieces of legislation to address “corporate slumlords”. OH SB 354 “would bar landlords or property owners with unresolved code violations or unpaid fines from bidding onREAD MORE
Zombie Foreclosures Still Exist!
Definitely a more frequent occurrence during the foreclosure crisis, however examples like this still exists. Homeowner becomes delinquent on the mortgage, bank initiates foreclosure, homeowners vacates/abandons the property and assumes bank takes possession. However banksREAD MORE