Interesting article that discusses some of the nuances inherent with vacant commercial property registration and the attempt to draft proper language. Article provides comments from the Mayor, various councilmembers and the Law Director on severalREAD MORE
Federal Appeals Court: Saginaw vacant property registry doesn’t violate U.S. Constitution
A federal appeals court has rejected a challenge (class-action lawsuit brought by residents) to a Saginaw ordinance that requires owners of vacant properties to allow the city to enter if the property becomes dangerous. TheREAD MORE
San Francisco seeks to get a handle on its inventory of vacant storefronts
The following two articles discussing recent developments in San Francisco raise two (2) important points. The value of community engagement – a key component of MuniReg’s solution – “Vacant storefronts have gained attention in recentREAD MORE
Private Cause of Action in Blight Cases
Zanesville OH ended up scrapping the section authorizing “private cause of action section intended to grant private citizens the ability to declare their neighbors nuisances in addition to law enforcement.” “Had the committee chosen toREAD MORE