Vacant Property Tax Initiatives

November 2, 2026 A tax that would levy taxes on owners of buildings that were vacant 182 or more days in a tax year that was approved by San Francisco voters in November 2022, hasREAD MORE

Washington SB 5825 Dept. of Commerce Work Group

Under consideration in the Washington Senate is SB 5825.If enacted would, require the department of commerce to convene a work group to make recommendations on the creation of a statewide rental and vacant property registrationREAD MORE

VA HB 729 “VPRO” Legislation

On January 11, 2022 HB 729 was introduced. If enacted, it would allow “cities and certain towns to require annual registration by the owners of buildings that have been vacant for a continuous period ofREAD MORE

OH HB 566 “The Neighborhood Protection Act “

The Neighborhood Protection Act was introduced on Feb. 9. It would “require owners of vacant properties to file full contact information with their county auditor’s office. It would apply to residential and commercial properties” InterestingREAD MORE

“Code Enforcement Concepts”

Recent articles discussing success in Largo FL and St Petersburg FL, proving the value of outsourcing, features attorney Matt Weidner, of WeidnerLaw. Weidner has a series of video, titled “Code Enforcement Concepts” describing best practices for codeREAD MORE

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