The Center for Community Progress has released its “Resident’s Workbook for Dealing with Vacant Buildings and Lots”. The workbook offers tools and worksheets including; Ideas for how to get involved in community revitalization whether you’reREAD MORE
Creative Partnerships – Tool Bank USA
A recent article discussing the challenges facing Birmingham AL also focused on an upcoming creative partnership. “Soon under a new city partnership will give churches, neighborhoods and other organizations access tools to get the jobREAD MORE
In-fill Housing – Getting Creative
A recent article discusses one community’s initiatives to “injecting new life into narrow, vacant lots brought about by blighted-structures removal”. Several approaches are referenced, including; the topic must remain a regular item on council meetingREAD MORE
Local Housing Solutions “Creating and Managing Vacant Property Inventories”
Local Housing Solutions issued a brief providing “information on common approaches to creating and managing vacant properties inventories, including how to fund these activities and identify sources of vacancy data.” Included in the brief “AREAD MORE
Coordinating the Authority and Resources to Remediate Blight
The Citizens Research Council of Michigan (not-for-profit public affairs research organization, founded in 1916) recently released a report titled, “Coordinating the Authority and Resources to Remediate Blight”. From the summary; In a nutshell The termREAD MORE
Public CEO Op-Ed “How to prevent dangerous properties and increase revenue” – Value of a VPRO
Following up on a January Op-Ed (by Ryan Griffith Bay Area Receivership Group) discussing the benefits of receiverships, MuniReg’s President Michael Halpern discusses the value of a “VPRO”. To view the Op-Ed, please click here.
“Padlock Laws” for Nuisance Properties
The New Orleans City Council voted to give the police chief authority to shut down nuisance businesses that could be contributing to the city’s crime crisis. The “padlock law provides for a business to beREAD MORE
“Neighborhood Law Program” – City of Vallejo, CA
In an Op-ED for PublicCEO, Ryan Griffith, Attorney & Receiver at the Bay Area Receivership Group discusses his experience creating the Neighborhood Law Program (“NLP”) for Vallejo, CA in 2013. Coming at a time whenREAD MORE
Neighborhood Preservation Clinic – Law School can be a great resource if you have one!
The University of Memphis School of Law’s Neighborhood Preservation Clinic is filing 25 lawsuits on behalf of the Klondike-Smokey City Community Development Corporation. For more information on the Clinic please see below overview from theirREAD MORE
Reimagine Delinquent Property Tax Enforcement
In its newest publication, the Center for Community Progress “lays a general foundation for understanding the property tax system, but specifically focuses on ways to reform the delinquent property tax enforcement process for vacant properties—thoseREAD MORE
The State of Land Banking 2022
The Center for Community Progress created the National Land Bank Network (NLBN). At the 2022 Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference, they provided an overview of what NLBN is, the state of land banks in the UnitedREAD MORE
When Landlords Hide Behind LLCs
A new Shelterforce article discusses the difficulties communities face in to knowing who owns a property due to the increasing numbers of “LLCs”. “This type of hidden ownership is linked to deteriorating housing and a lackREAD MORE